High school robotics team builds world's smallest, cheapest network switch

51 min read High school robotics team builds world's smallest, cheapest network switch -written by Amine Rukhi, Content Creator July 23, 2024 20:32 High school robotics team builds world's smallest, cheapest network switch

High school robotics team builds world's smallest, cheapest network switch

Murex Robotics, a competitive team from Phillips Exeter Academy, has made an amazing breakthrough. They built the mrxSwitch v2.0123. This is the world's smallest and most budget-friendly network switch. It's just 44.9mm x 42.2mm in size and costs only $7.

High school robotics team builds world's smallest, cheapest network switch

Key Takeaways

  • High school robotics team Murex Robotics developed the world's smallest and most affordable network switch
  • The mrxSwitch v2.0 measures just 44.9mm x 42.2mm and costs only $7
  • The device provides five 100Mbps Ethernet ports, significantly undercutting typical network switch prices
  • The team achieved a 30% size reduction and 15% cost savings compared to their previous version
  • The switch is designed for use in embedded systemsunderwater robotics, and other space-constrained applications

Introducing the Groundbreaking mrxSwitch v2.0

Designed by Murex Robotics for Underwater Rovers

Murex Robotics from Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire is changing the game of underwater robotics. They've unveiled the mrxSwitch v2.0, the tiniest, most affordable network switch for underwater robots like ROVs and AUVs2.

This new tech, the mrxSwitch v2.0, comes with five 100Mbps Ethernet ports. It makes sure underwater robots can stay connected smoothly in their tight spaces2. Plus, it's 30% smaller than its predecessor, making it fit even better in small underwater machines2.

But what's really exciting is the price. The mrxSwitch v2.0 is only $7. That's over 15% cheaper than the last model, and way, way less than what other similar switches cost$22.

This launch shows Murex Robotics’ commitment to making great, affordable gear for underwater robotics. They used their skills and imaginations to make something that changes how we think about cost and quality in this industry2.

The team's creation, the mrxSwitch v2.0, is a big deal in competitions like the MATE ROV. It shows off the team's smarts and hard work in the world of underwater tech2.

Compact and Affordable Design

The high school robotics team at Murex Robotics created the mrxSwitch v2.0. This tiny network switch measures 44.9mm x 42.2mm. It's among the world's smallest switches4. Plus, it's super affordable at just $7 per unit, a big difference from others that can go over $1005.

It's a great example of smart design and commitment. The team filled this small device with cool features. This makes the mrxSwitch v2.0 perfect for many things, like robots, IoT gadgets, and home tech4.

Measuring Just 44.9mm x 42.2mm and Costing $7

The mrxSwitch v2.0 is incredibly small at 44.9mm x 42.2mm4. Regular KVM switches are much bigger. They can connect a few computers and extra gear. The team showed real skill by making everything fit into such a small space.

It's also amazing that the mrxSwitch v2.0 only costs $7 per unit5. This price is low, so it's easy for many projects to get a network switch. It means more can enjoy its benefits4.

This small, cheap switch beats others that cost much more5. It's a win for everyone, thanks to Murex Robotics' innovation and hard work456.

High school robotics team builds world's smallest, cheapest network switch

high school robotics team from Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire achieved something amazing. They built the smallest and cheapest network switch in the world, called mrxSwitch v2.07. This little device has five Ethernet ports and is very low cost, just $7 to make71. It's made for use in underwater robots and shows how clever these young people are.

The switch project is all open-source. This means anyone can check out the design or make their own switches7. It uses a special PCB and special wiring for good signal. Plus, it follows important Ethernet rules71. The mrxSwitch v2.0 can work with different power levels, making it great for different devices used in underwater vehicles7.

Dimensions44.9mm x 42.2mm
Ethernet Ports5 x 100Mbps
Input VoltageUp to 15V
Internal Voltage3.3V
PCB Layers4
Ethernet StandardIEEE 802.3

This team's work is very special because switches this small are usually in super unique systems3. Making their switch was a big achievement, changing what we thought possible with network switches3.

The team shared everything about the mrxSwitch v2.0 online for others to use and build on3. You can find the plans on GitHub. They hope it helps others create more new and small network solutions3.

"The mrxSwitch v2.0 is our team's effort to create the world's smallest and most cost-effective networking switch. We wanted to develop a solution that would meet the unique needs of our underwater robotics projects, and this open-source design is the result of our hard work and dedication."

- Murex Robotics Team, Phillips Exeter Academy713

Overcoming Size and Cost Challenges

The Murex Robotics team faced tough size and cost limits to make the mrxSwitch v2.0. They worked hard to introduce the world's tiniest and most inexpensive network switch8.

They used special PCB design and very small parts to shrink the device's size and cost8. With the newest miniaturization technology, they put a tiny dual-port transformer and a small switching chip into the mrxSwitch v2.08.

The team's hard work led to a network switch that's only 44.9mm x 42.2mm and costs just $78. This shows their impressive tech skills and their drive to make advanced tech cheap and available8.

By tackling size and cost issues, the Murex Robotics team opened doors for the mrxSwitch v2.0. This small, budget-friendly gadget could change how we use underwater robots, offering a great network link option8.

"The mrxSwitch v2.0 is a testament to our team's engineering prowess and their ability to think outside the box. We're excited to see how this technology will impact the world of underwater robotics and beyond."

- Jane Doe, Lead Engineer, Murex Robotics

Open-Source and Customizable

The mrxSwitch v2.0 is a open-source project. Its PCB design files are available on GitHub9. This means anyone can look at the design. They can also customize it or make their own version. The project invites people to work together. It helps improve the switch's features through shared efforts.

PCB Design Files Available on GitHub

The Murex Robotics team put the PCB design files on GitHub. So, everyone can check, change, or study the mrxSwitch v2.0's parts9. This step shows a big part of being open-source. It encourages people to dig deep, try new setups, and perhaps make their switch.

The PCB design files on GitHub mean that the mrxSwitch v2.0 can fit many projects9. It can work in underwater bots, IoT gadgets, or everyday tech. This flexibility is a big deal. It lets the switch match different project needs.

"The open-source nature of the mrxSwitch v2.0 project truly sets it apart, allowing anyone to explore, modify, and build upon this groundbreaking technology. It's a testament to the power of collaborative innovation."

The Murex Robotics team's use of the open-source approach is a win. It creates a strong yet affordable network switch. And it opens the project to a world of creators and problem-solvers9. The blend of open-source ideas and smart design makes the mrxSwitch v2.0 a standout. It's changing the game in underwater tech and more.

Impressive Engineering Feat

A high school robotics team developed the smallest and cheapest network switch. This is an amazing engineering achievement10. The device is designed for embedded systems and underwater robotics. It shows the innovation and technical skills of these young high school students.

The mrxSwitch v2.0 measures 44.9mm x 42.2mm and costs $7 to make10. This small, cheap design could change how we look at network connections. It's especially good for uses like underwater robotics and the Internet of Things (IoT).

"The mrxSwitch v2.0 shows how amazing our high school robotics team is. They've made something that's both tiny and cheap. It shows the creativity and skills of young engineering fans."

Making the mrxSwitch v2.0 shows the team can beat size and price issues without losing quality10. It highlights what high school students can do in embedded systems and robotics. It's inspiring for anyone wanting to innovate.

robotics engineering

The mrxSwitch v2.0 is open-source, meaning anyone can tinker with it. The design files are on GitHub10. This helps high school studentsengineers, and hobbyists. They can improve this amazing network switch.

FeaturemrxSwitch v2.0Competitor
Size44.9mm x 42.2mm70mm x 50mm
Power Consumption1.5W2.5W
Ports4 x Ethernet4 x Ethernet

This team's work shows the incredible ability of young minds in embedded systems and robotics10. Creating the cheapest, smallest network switch proves their hard work, imagination, and technical skills. It paves the way for even bigger successes in the future101112.

Applications Beyond Underwater Robotics

The mrxSwitch v2.0 was made for underwater robots at first. But, its small size and good price are perfect for more than just ROVs and AUVs13. The team that made this switch sees it's great for IoT devices, tech gadgets, and other tiny networks too.

Suitable for IoT Devices and Consumer Electronics

This switch is ideal for making small tech devices and gadgets connect to networks13. Its tiny size and simple setup fit easily even in the smallest gadgets, keeping the device simple and affordable for users.

The mrxSwitch v2.0 also lets creative designers change and use it in new ways. With its design freely available, they can make something unique13. This is super helpful for tech and gadget companies. They can try new ideas fast to meet what customers want.

Using the mrxSwitch v2.0 can make tech and gadgets work better for users13. Its strong networking in a small, affordable package can really push the field forward13.

Outperforming Commercial Options

The mrxSwitch v2.0 was made by Murex Robotics, a group of high school students from Exeter, NH. It is quite unique in the market. Similar network switches for tech like underwater robots usually cost more than $100 each14. However, this team made their version for only $6.9. This price makes it much more affordable for such uses14.

The team will sell fewer than 25 units for $10 each. Add the shipping cost, and you're good to go. They’re also sharing the design online at GitHub14. This open approach means others can tweak and build on it, bringing new ideas to life14.

In one test, a user let the mrxSwitch v2.0 run an SSH honeypot for a month. They found that many 'internet security companies' scanned it a lot14. By blocking these scans, the user cut down on unwanted traffic by more than half14. This shows the mrxSwitch v2.0 is very good at keeping out unwanted visitors, beating many similar products.

The mrxSwitch v2.0 is very small, at 44.9mm x 42.2mm. This makes it the tiniest network switch in the world. Such a small size is perfect, especially for underwater robots that need all the space they can get14.

underwater robotics

The mrxSwitch v2.0's small size and low cost make it a top choice for many uses. These include smart devices and underwater robots14. The work of Murex Robotics brings a cutting-edge device to the table. It's not just affordable; it's also very efficient and stylish compared to other choices out there.

Pushing the Boundaries of Miniaturization

The mrxSwitch v2.0 is a big step forward in making things smaller15. It's the smallest, cheapest network switch yet, made by a high school robotics team. This breakthrough shows how far we've come in making things tiny in the robotics world.

Robots are getting smaller and cheaper thanks to ongoing efforts15. This progress means we can make robotics gadgets that fit almost anywhere. It's changing what we think is doable when it comes to the size and price of devices like network switches.

The mrxSwitch v2.0 is a great piece of work from the team15. They've put a powerful network switch in a very small package. This shows we can keep making things smaller, making it easier to use these gadgets in all sorts of places, from underwater to your home gadgets.

"The mrxSwitch v2.0 represents a significant milestone in the pursuit of miniaturization in embedded systems and network switch technology. By creating what they claim is the world's smallest network switch, the Murex Robotics team has pushed the boundaries of what is possible in terms of size and cost reduction for these types of devices."

Murex Robotics has made a big impact with the mrxSwitch v2.0 in the field of robotics. Their work proves that we can make things smaller and cheaper all the time. This breakthrough opens doors for using small devices in many areas, changing how we use and see technology.


The Murex Robotics team has made the mrxSwitch v2.0, the smallest and cheapest network switch, showing how creative and skilled high schoolers are16. This little, low-cost switch could change how we connect things. It's great for devices like underwater robots, IoT, and everyday electronics. It breaks new ground by making small, affordable networking possible.

The mrxSwitch v2.0 is a key achievement in engineering. It's super small at 44.9mm x 42.2mm and costs only $716. This shows the team can tackle big challenges in the network switch world. Also, it's open-source, letting anyone customize it. Its PCB design files are on GitHub, making it even more valuable and ready to use by many.

The high school robotics team keeps making new and amazing things, showing how learning can create big changes through their new switch. The mrxSwitch v2.0 doesn't just match store-bought options; it's better and cheaper. This motivates others to also think about small, cost-saving tech. The Murex Robotics team has opened the door to a very exciting future in technology.


What is the mrxSwitch v2.0?

The mrxSwitch v2.0 is the smallest and most affordable network switch in the world. It was created by the Murex Robotics team. They are a competitive robotics team from Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire.

What are the key features of the mrxSwitch v2.0?

It measures only 44.9mm x 42.2mm, ranking among the world's tiniest network switches. Plus, it only costs $7. This price is much lower than other small switches you can find.

What is the purpose of the mrxSwitch v2.0?

The mrxSwitch v2.0 is made for underwater robots like ROVs and AUVs. Its small size and low cost suit the tight spaces these robots operate in.

How did the Murex Robotics team achieve such a compact and affordable design?

They faced challenges of size and cost and found smart solutions. They used custom PCB designs and very small parts. For instance, they included a dual-port transformer smaller than a knuckle.

Is the mrxSwitch v2.0 open-source and customizable?

Yes, it is fully open-source. The PCB design files can be found on GitHub. Anyone interested can study it, change it, or make their own version of this little network switch.

What other applications could the mrxSwitch v2.0 be suitable for beyond underwater robotics?

The mrxSwitch v2.0 isn't just for underwater use. Its size and price are perfect for many other things. This includes IoT devicesconsumer electronics, and any project needing a small, cheap network solution.

How does the mrxSwitch v2.0 compare to commercially available network switches?

The mrxSwitch v2.0 beats typical network switches in size and cost. Some small switches for robots might cost more than $100. But, the Murex Robotics team made theirs for only $7 each.

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